Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Prayer Quilt for my Dad

Many years ago, my Dad faced kidney cancer, and it's been nearly 10 years.  Hehas had a recurrence, but is again in a solid remission, enjoying a great, active life in his late 80's.  Whooping It Up, even!
When first diagnosed, I made this quilt from scraps that included scraps my Mom had given me when they retired and left California.  I took it to church where it was blessed.  Members of the congregation tied knots in the quilt with each knot signifying a prayer someone offered for my Dad.  Later on, my Mom hand quilted the quilt to strengthen the fibers and fabric of this quilt. 
I took it to him in Texas, while he was in ICU after surgery.  He used it during his stay and after as he healed and recovered at home.  He still keeps it at the foot of his bed.

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