Thursday, February 22, 2024

Happy Red Pinwheels

 Happy Lap Quilt made from 2 1/2" strips and pinwheels made from strips. Based on a tutorial from MSQC.

Quilted on the frame with the Juli for borders I did a simple loop in the body with feathers and curves in the borders. 

I placed a whole line of leftover 2 1/2 inch scraps on the back. 

Finished the quilting on the frame and the borders on the juki. 
Listed for sale on Etsy!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Hayley's T Shirt Quilt

 Patty's daughter Hayley asked me to see her collection of high school T shirts into a memory quilt. I had only made 1 other T Shirt Quilt and it's not my favorite BUT of course I wanted to make it for Hayley!

Hayley's T shirts included high school soccer, her years of JROTC, participation in a Sister City program and her graduating high school class roster!

I was able to include EVERY T Shirt she gave me by using several on the back. 

I didn't use interfacing but surrounded every T Shirt piece with a border of strips. I then arranged to gem and added strips or orphan blocks as needed to make them fit like a jigsaw puzzle. 

Each T Shirt Quilt is a little more fun! Who knows? I might make another one some day!

The different fabric textures make for a bit of a quilting challenge. Just go slow!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Quartered Stripes Baby Boy

 Inspired by this thin stripe and the quilt tutorial about using stripes to make blocks, this quilt came to be.

Although I made it a few years ago I just finished it and like it a lot more finished than I ever did before. I tried using a thin fleece blanket instead of batting and it makes for a very soft, cozy quilt!

Quilted then on the frame with a square in a square pattern then fun in the solid borders. 

I love to do borders free hand free motion. Very different from the body where I have a larger area to work on within the frame. 

For sale on etsy

Friday, February 2, 2024


 I started this project with an idea and a fabric pull. Blue small scale florals purchased together in Anaheim and pinks from stash. 

Fun Fact: The purple/pink fabric, that ended up on the border, was purchased by me in the 80s. I made myself some beloved MC Hammer Pants that I wore until they fell apart!

Started cutting, piecing and deciding which pinks with which blues. Added a pink, removed a pink. I followed the Missouri Star tutorial except I started with 4" squares instead of 5".

It came together nicely! I put it on the frame and thread scribbled on it. I tried out some quilting rulers (they worked sort of) but QUICKLY felt restricted so just free handed it. 

Backed, listed and on to my next project!