Saturday, March 23, 2024

Patty's Nest 2024 Intention

 When Patty asked me what was my 2024 Intention... The word that was going to be my inspiration or challenge this year I confessed I had not even thought about it! 

She told me the word NEST was whispering to her... She thought it meant to focus on her home and family this year. 

This is a small quilt....maybe a table topper. It has a nest made from brown twigs and little green grasses. Inside the nest are three beautiful and unique blue eggs. 

Surrounding the nest are green leaves and glimpses of blue sky. 

The border are beautiful Japanese fabric flowers. 

It was densely quilted on the Juki, free motion easily due to the small size.

I then asked COPILOT, The Google AI, to compose a poem about a nest being a home. It rendered about 16 stanzas. I selected a few of the verses and tweaked them a bit and wrote them on the back. 

For within these walls made of leaf straw and feather,
Lies the heart of a family bound tightly together.
It holds a sweet promise of safety and rest,
A symbol profound. Home above the rest.
For home is not just where we lay down our head,
It's where we are loved, and our spirits are fed. 

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