Monday, July 24, 2023

Pastel Rectangles for a Baby

 I have a sweet hearted friend who regularly reaches out to me with a description of a friend she would like to gift a quilt to. This description was, Mom is a 45 year old epidemiologist who had a 5 pound baby girl a month early. The dad is from The Netherlands. Their home is subtle and understated.  Can you do something geometric in solid colors? 

I like to finish the borders on my regular machine. 

I put a small top together of jewel,  tone on tone rectangles totally color jumbled. Sent it to Debbie, who loved it. But I thought on it and the next morning I selected a charm pack of pastels from my stash and made the same blocks but set them like THIS:

We both agreed on the second little quilt top and I added a border, quilted it on my frame in soft rounded motifs to soften the angles.  With a pretty pink and white back and a pink binding it is complete!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Bold Rail Fence Quilt

 This classic was inspired by Missouri Star tutorial

I even used the border blocks idea with leftovers as the tutorial suggested. 

I put this bold lap quilt together with 2 1/2 inch strips cut from Anaheim M & L fabric strips. I quilted the borders densely and the body of the quilt much less dense. 

This was the project where my new Jazz2 started to behave (I figured it out) and I quilted it start to finish over 2 days. 

Up for sale on Etsy. 

Quilt for Great Grand Baby Girl!

 We are going to be GREAT GRANDPARENTS! Too exciting! Miranda and Alex are due soon, about 6 weeks from now. She asked for lavender and I showed her some of my fabrics. Lavender is not my usual choice but I did have these brights from JoAnn Fabrics Quilters Showcase collection. Add to that some solid lavender, light green and pink solids from stash.... half square triangles... and a generous crib sized baby quilt is created!

This was my first not "practice" Quilt I did on my frame. Didn't go as easy as I planned! Machine failed in the first row and actually took it in for service twice during the quilting. But learned a lot and feel like I'm ready to start tackling more complex projects!