Friday, February 14, 2014

Little Dutch Girls in Blue

The design squares are an Aunt Martha's Day of the Week iron-on design on white muslin.  I then used crayons, sharpies and watercolor pencils to color each design. Then the blocks were a pile of blue blocks, made literally from the blue scrap box.  Simple designs, HST's, flying geese, 4-patches, square-in-a-squares,  pinwheels, and a few plain blocks. I decided how many based on getting the 7 days of the weeks blocks all onto the quilt, nicely centered and spaced in relation to one another.

I made this quilt but didn't finish it until JUST the right little girls came along.  My Grand Niece turns two, and this seemed like just the thing for her!  So finished the quilt-sandwich and quilted it in the ditch in a 3-inch grid. In the mail, and off to be a sweet surprise.

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