Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vintage Style Inked Baby Quilt

 Using old ink transfers from Aunt Martha's and then tinting the fabric with ink pens, I reproduced a look from the 50's I have always liked. The quilt was then machine stippled and washed to crinkle. Looks 50 years old, doesn't it? 

Sold on etsy!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

My Cousin's Quilts

 My cousin Patti. We grew up apart, but have known each other since forever. When Patti was a young adult she moved to California and lived with my parents for a few years. Now we live around 60 miles apart, and are the closest relatives either of us has. Both retired now, with just a pandemic standing in our ways! 

My mother taught us both to sew as youngsters. For me it took off and has become a life long passion. Patty, on the other hand, took to it slowly. But she tried her hand at a quilt before becoming a mother and worked on one project. It was all hand cut and hand stitched.  She took a class at Parks and Rec. She labored over each sampler block, turning out some spectacular 12" blocks. Then they got stashed away, replaced by her first, then second, then third children. 

30 years later, that first child on the brink of marriage, Patti pulled out the blocks and fabrics and asked me if I would finish them for a wedding gift.  Since Pat confessed she wasn't likely to make more I asked her if I could turn them into 3 small quilts, so each daughter could have one. Yes!  She gave me creative license, a bag with many completed blocks, a couple cut but not completed blocks and fabrics from the original project. 


I completed the blocks, added 2 simple blocks of my own, sashed them with Pat's scraps and found 3 great fabrics from my stash for borders.  Machine quilted in a meandering pattern, then washed and fluffed.  Three magnificent quilts for three beloved daughters!  

They are done. They will be gifted to the three this spring.  What a great surprise! 
Alex photobombing.

Mother's Day 2021